Friday, July 18, 2008

Prayers please

I have good reason to think that if I don't start doing better at work, I may lose my job, and I'm feeling very scared. I don't know if I can deal with yet another round of changes while I'm still feeling exhausted from moving and all the family stress. I don't have much optimism left right now. Logically, I know we'll get through this one way or another,that God is there - but emotionally, I'm just tired.

I'm hoping I can pull everything together enough to keep this job. I suspect I'll actually feel better once I get through the shock - although it shouldn't have been such a shock. I knew things were going badly. In a way, it's good to have my intuition confirmed.

I was hoping to have a little energy to start looking at the presidential candidates. Guess I'm not going to get that for a while.

I'm trying to pull myself together enough that I don't break into tears on the bus. I cry very easily, so that's going to be tough. I'm feeling a little bad about feeling so bad - a friend of a friend recently learned that she had cancer,then learned that it could be contained. I know people go through harder challenges, but I just wish I didn't feel so darned guilty for putting my family into *this* challenge.


Annaberri said...

Hugs! Is this a threat, or a "you're gonna lose your job" reality? Do you have a good idea of what you need to do? And can you just focus on work for a while? Make sure you are eating, drinking and sleeping ok, and I think you'll make it just fine. And keep savings up.
Hugs again!

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear this- hopefully it is constructive criticism - I'll lift you up in prayer right now