Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am a geek.

I'm sitting at work, writing a bit of code that looks something like this:

if(File.Exist(Server.MapPath(@"~\Directory\" + filename)

//I get to this point and then stop and realize . . .
//"Do or do not, there is no else!"

Then I noticed that I was writing code for a living while laughing at geeky coding-and-Star Wars jokes, and realized that my dreams of being a True Geek were fullfilled.

I just love that line. I'm putting it in the comments of my application for posterity.

Incidentally, this is why I should not write blog posts after 5:00 pm on a Rosary night. Or code.

Fun, tangential, barely related but humerous story: The first time I ever drank illegally underage (Mom, Dad, don't read this) was when my older college roommate gave me a bottle of a cheap kool-aid like alcoholic beverage. I tried to think of something cool to do while tipsy, and came up with the bright idea of trying to do my introductory programming homework.

Buggiest code I've ever written, debugging it the next day was hilarious!

Friends don't let friends code drunk.

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