Friday, January 5, 2007

Baby sign language is working!

Bjorn and I were first introduced to the idea of baby sign language while I was pregnant, and thought it seemed cool and fun. I don't know if we really expected the babies to get much out of it, but it was interesting and easy.

We only recently started putting much real effort into ASL, however - probably around the time the girls turned eight months. Our first evidence that it was working came about three weeks ago, when Lenora signed "milk". We told my MIL, who watches the girls three days a week, about it that evening - and learned that Lenora had actually signed it some later that day as well! However, we haven't seen the sign from her since then (although she does wave "Hi" when she wants attention, now).

Tonight I decided to mix up the bedtime routine a little as part of my efforts to get the girls to go to sleep more independantly instead of nursing to sleep - which has caused sleep associations and a lot of nightwakings. One of the things I did is nurse with the lights on to discourage the girls from falling asleep. The other thing I did was not carry the girls to the nursing pillow. Instead, I sat down, put the pillow on my lap, and called their names and said "Come here! Milk!" while beckoning them with a wave and then signing the ASL for "milk". They took their time about it, but then figured out what was going on. Lenora worked it out first - Iliana was too busy playing, and wouldn't look at me. So Lenora came over quickly and started nursing. Iliana finally turned around, and when she saw the motions and sign, she suddenly put it together, got pretty happy, and started to try to crawl onto our mattress. I ended up having to pull her onto the mattress, but then she crawled the rest of the way to the pillow!

My interest in baby sign language has been renewed - and great timing. This Monday the Eastside Mothers of Multiples First-Year parents are getting together for their monthly meeting, and the discussion topic is ASL for babies! Hopefully the specialist they've invited will be happy to help my MIL and I expand our vocabulary. Assuming I can talk my MIL into attending with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please let me know if I can be of any help! :) You're doing an amazing thing signing with your babies...babies! Whoa! :) Sara Bingham, Founder of WeeHands (