Friday, January 9, 2009

Job search SCRUM, day 2

What I did:
- Perused thoroughly three job sites (NWJobs, Monster, WorkSource) and set up auto-searches to email me new results
- Found 7 jobs that I could apply to
- Found 5 jobs DH could apply to
- Started a list of job sites and contracting / consulting companies
- Invited contacts for LinkedIn, partially updated my profile, and wrote a recommendation
- Helped DH update his resume

What I'm doing today (depending on time):
- Install Open Office and re-do my resume's formatting
- Submit one polished application (cover letter, tailored resume)
- Submit two dirty applications (untailored resumes)
- Cancel appointments we have scheduled but no longer have insurance for
- Arrange two days of morning childcare next week
- Peruse emailed job results for new opportunities
- Go over one more job site thoroughly and set up a saved search for results
- Spend a little time on LinkedIn, see if I can write any more recommendations

Blockers: None

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